Search for a rat:
Name:not set (change name)

Speed: 11(10)+d25(24)
Bets:0.32BTC Won:0.39883749BTC
Bribes:16 Payed:0.009BTC
Pending Games:0 | Pending Bribes:0
Games played: 32
Augmentations:Neural Implant, Mechanized Tail, Metal Claws
Giveaway Offer
(Games:23 | Balance:0.0072249)

Last Game:321

Server Time: 09:25 Dec 04
Last Race
GameID:201Date:2013-08-31 11:40:01

News:An augmentation giveaway is in effect. All rats who will be unlucky to lose more than 0.05BTC will receive 2 augmentations worth of 0.1105BTC. More info on BitcoinTalk.
Augmentation is the act of improving a being by using cybernetics, nanites and nano-technological implants, creating an advanced super-animal superior to an ordinary one.
You have to pay exactly the amount listed on each item, not a satoshi less or more, as you would for a race. You cannot make a bulk purchase, only one item at a time.
Here is a list of augmentations the prison medic is willing to do for a price:

Neural Implant
Bypass of the pain sensors.
No matter how tired or injured your rat is, he will run like a normal rat. This is the same as paying bribes for a game.
This makes bribes obsolete.Effect is permanent.

Mechanized Tail
The rat keeps his balance way better with this new tail.
+1 to maximum speed.Effect is permanent

Metal Claws
Pulling out the natural claws and implanting metal ones was a painful and meticulous process but in the end it was worth it.The rat has a better grip of the ground as never.
+1 to minimum speed.Effect is permanent

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